Thursday, November 02, 2006


I recently posted part of John Kerry's initial response regarding his "stuck in Iraq" comment, a non-issue, non-story which the press subsequently turned into a major news event. Slow news week?? More like like prime pirranah time.

While Kerry was serving up the president some well deserved fresh hell, a desperate, otherworldly GOP gleefully turned the dial of their bullshit machine to > DISTRACTION TACTICS.

With so much at stake this Nov. 7th, and republicans racing away from the burning Bush, anything was better than an endless news cycle of Tom Foley sexcapades (the repubs have that poor bastard bound, gagged and locked away in "treatment" somewhere and won't let him out until Nov. 8th), the continued chaotic slaughter that is the Iraq war of choice, the Abramoff scandal, etc., etc.

What better way to take the public's mind off the monumental failures of the current majority party? Create a fake controversy, of course!

I was sidelined by a trip to the emergency room - (just a sprain, whew!!) - then, out of the blue, from a friend who is one of the last people I would expect to send me anything political, I receive an email containing what I consider to be THE LAST WORD about this trumped-up, overblown nonsense.

If you read this site at all, you have undoubtedly come across Keith Olbermann links. This is a guy from another time - I can picture him in black and white, smoking a cigarette, and working with the likes of Edward R. Murrow - (Olbermann many times uses his tag line "good night and good luck---fitting.)

Here is the link (text and video) to what I believe is the the most intelligent, passionate, and well written response to the most consciousless, condescending, treasonous, vengeful, destructive collective force to ever to "govern" what used to be my country.....BUSH SHOULD APOLOGIZE

and on a personal note...
Tommy, you CAN hear me! Atta' Boy!!!!


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