Wednesday, February 15, 2006

DICK Cheney - Straight Shooter

Let me begin by saying that I am not a conspiracy theorist. I do not believe there is a cover up here (though I won't completely rule one out). I believe this actually was a hunting accident(for now).

Even the Wall Street Journal is playing it for laughs -


Vice President of the United States DICK Cheney, an elected official, the second most powerful man in the U.S. Government, has apparently decided that his need for privacy, ney secrecy, is more important than his responsibility to the American people - LINK

Remember, this is the guy who headed the "find a candidate for Vice President who will keep W. from embarrassing himself and the country" committee -- and chose himself.

What can you expect from a man who feels he is exempt from the rules because he is above them - - - you got a problem with that?

Poor Scott McClullen's utterly pathetic press conference, another contentious commentary on the relationship between this administration and the press, didn't exactly dispel the gathering storm of suspicion.


Before the story even gelled, the white house, which bungled what boiled down to a simple press release, (which incedentally is what gave the story legs in the first place), attempted to strike the classic "we are ready to move on and leave this behind us" pose.

Don't you find it the least bit curious that the 78 year old lawyer had a "minor" heart attack and had buckshot lodged somewhere in his chest AFTER the story sounded like a "just a scratch" affair the day before. I thought he was in "very stable" condition...

I think it's a bunch of Crappaquiddick.

I know - I just couldn't resist.

Considering Cheney's open disdain for the press, and his most recent track record, which includes:

- I don't know Joe Wilson. I've never met the man
- Iraq and 911 are linked, damn it
- The insurgency is in its final throes

Well,let's just say he won't be appearing in the GOP's "transparency of government" commericials any time soon.

This arrogant bastard has the gall to feel that he can do whatever he wants because (a) He's DICK Cheney, and (b) He's not running for political office. There's a team player for you.

Well, at least there's one part of the country in which he is beloved - LINK


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