Lost Horizon
Meet the Press may never be the same, but the values - the best sense of tough but fair interviewing in electronic media - are still the cornerstone of that show - thank goodness for us all.
Just a few random thoughts. Hmmm...where to begin?.......
How about the "General Time Horizon" Shrub 43's administration is looking at right now? (A troop withdrawal by any other name thank god). This playing with the language in order to diminish a situation, or in this case jerk us around, or to scare us into submission, is one of the most fascinating and heinous things about this administration. Jeez, if you're going to try to propagandize something, at least don't be so fricken obvious. I'm exhausted from having my intelligence insulted.
General Time Horizon - sounds like a super hero of some sort - like he should have a side kick...General Time Horizon and Aspirational Goal Boy.
It seems Sen. McCain views the Iraq war through a WWII prizm - like somehow we (or any side for that matter, can acually "win the war" in Iraq. The complexities of today's post cold war world do not lend themselves easily to being cast in black and white. There are no definitive winners or losers anymore. It's all nuanced shades of grey; compromises that make everyone feel like they've gained something. (Maybe wars can be fought in board rooms from now on). This viewpoint is one of the main problems with McCain. It's like "Mission Accomplished" all over again.
Let's move on to Phil Grahme, an economic advisor to McCain who didn't help things a bit for him by recently calling us a "Nation of Whiners" and telling us that we're only suffering from a "mental recession." McCain needs this like he needs to go back to the Hanoi Hilton for a massage.
Which brings us to the disarray that is the McCain campaign. Here we have Sen. Big John, (who is considering self immoliation to get some press coverage), riding around in a golf cart with the original Kinnibunkport Cowboy Bush 41, looking like Former President Yesterday and Senator Last Week, who can't seem to put a dent in Obama's wall of press coverage. With 'Bama looking like he's already won the election, and McCain bitching about the press being slanted Obama's way ...well, let's just say McCain needs some serious campaign strategy - not to mention some better photo ops, say, with someone under 75 years old.
I have an idea which I think might help Sen. McCain (unlike the steady stream of seemingly disengaged campaign bobble-head dolls coming and going). Why not a citizen campaign manager? You know, someone who follows politics from outside the beltway and can actually give some some perspective. Someone who could help get more than one reporter to show up when McCain arrives in New Hampshire for a town hall meeting. (I kid you not - this actally happened and "the picture" of the Senator coming off the plane to this underwhelming reception was none too flattering.
More later...maybe.
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