Arabian Horseshit
The Republicans, who have resisted an independent commission to examine the cluster fuck that was FEMA’s response to hurricane Katrina, began their “in house” investigation this morning.
I didn’t see the entire performance, but what I did catch was extremely entertaining, and, to some small degree, satisfying, considering I couldn’t be there live and in person to kick Brownie square in the ass.
If today’s theatrics didn’t convince congress to appoint an independent commission ala the 911 commission (which the white house initially resisted) to sort out what happened, who should be held accountable, and what needs to be done to improve the government’s disaster response to everything from storms to terrorist attacks, I don’t know what will. By the way, this needs to happen BEFORE we can “move forward.”
Since we learned yesterday that Michael Brown has been re-hired by FEMA as a consultant to help the government assess what went wrong, (truth being stranger than fiction), he was at least paid to be burned at the stake – the only thing missing was the long fork with the marshmallows. In his defense, Brownie blamed the Mayor of New Orleans, the Governor of Louisiana, the White House, and the media, but stopped short of blaming Barbara Streisand. Don’t get me wrong, there is blame enough here to go all the way up, down, and around, but I think ACCEPTING RESPONSIBILITY and not being a sarcastic, arrogant asshole would have served Brownie much better.
One of the central problems here seems surrealistically simple – in a word – CRONYISM. One major thing Bush and his good friend Brown have in common, aside from criminal incompetence, is the volatile mixture of arrogance and ignorance I personally find so irritatingly insulting. A friend of mine pointed out to me today that there is ONE good thing that can be said about Bush - he takes very good care of his friends.
Adding further insult to injury is Bushie, back in the gulf region for the for the 7th time to date, ensuring he is filmed and photographed constantly in case anything even weakly resembling the “bullhorn moment” of 911, which has been the cornerstone of his presidency, should arise. Maybe he’s looking to work for FEMA when his term ends – he’s got some great credentials – after all, he IS a walking disaster.
Meanwhile, as President Chia Pet surveys the latest destruction and tries to convince us that he understands what’s going on, that he feels the pain of the victims, and that he’s learned the lessons of hurricanes Katrina and Rita, places like Beaumont TX, Kirbyville TX, Port Arthur TX, and Lake Charles, LA, (which are still in need of such things as CLEAN DRINKING WATER), are asking why Federal help is taking so long.
I guess the bottom line here is that the American people, most especially the ones who have found themselves in the eye of the shit storm that is this administration’s disaster response, deserve better, don’t you think?