Thursday, February 23, 2006

Any Port in a Storm

What I want to know is why the White House advised W. to pour gasoline over himself while playing with a lighter...

The pending $6.8B sale of six U.S. ports to Dubai Ports World, a company owned by the United Arab Emirates, has split the atom – the atom being the President’s own party.

It seems the Bush administration is once again involved in a closed door, no congressional oversight, “trust me” political debacle.

The White House, apparently blindsided by their party’s rancorous rebellion against the deal, advised Bushie to summon the press, put on his best game face, and tell the congress to "bring it on,” in other words, threaten to veto to any legislation which would halt the sale. This would be the first veto of his administration. I can’t wait to see how this is worked out so the President won’t have to blink first.


It doesn’t exactly make me feel secure knowing that the same guy who told Brownie he was doing a heckuva' job, and didn’t know anything about this deal until it was already approved by his administration, is leading the charge in the war on terror. I’d feel better with a President who had some sort of handle on what’s happening in his own administration. You know, the kind of guy who is looked upon by his staff as competent enough to be kept appraised of things, and also, someone who is not intimidated by his vice president. (I also want to know why we have graded him on a curve from day one, bullhorn moment not withstanding).

Maybe Georgie is a uniter after all. He’s certainly managed to unite both parties - against him. I haven’t seen republicans and democrats this cooperative since the last vote for a pay raise.

Now I wonder…

I have read that the U.S. Coast Guard is in charge of the physical security of our ports (note to Georgie, increase funding for the Coast Guard), and that customs and the border patrol are in charge of cargo security. I've also read that Dubai Ports World has been put through vigorous security checks, and has complied with all of our requirements, etc., etc.

Are the republicans all stirred up because they don’t want the democrats to grab onto this issue while the President is barely at a 40% approval rating and national security is the only thing they may still have going for them? After all, Georgie’s even been dissed by Senator Frist. The GOP is getting very antsy about the upcoming midterm elections, and is beginning to back away from the burning Bush.

The Democrats, of course, are all over this. It’s just the opening they needed to show that they can be as tough as the republicans in the war on terror - darn it!!

Is this a political issue, or a security issue?

How many licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop…
The world may never know.


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