Apparently the Bush administration, in a desperate attempt to stop their free fall and re-re-energize their base, have decided to re-re-touch the image of President Dubya. With the “war president” thing losing its potency, and the social security “crisis” traveling dog and pony show having closed on the road, it was painfully apparent that something had to give.
I can hear the White House staff meeting chatter now…
“How about taking him to Iraq and putting him in a tank – that would make a GREAT photo op!!” “No way, that ruined Dukakis.” “Yea, but he was a wimpy democrat. It will work now because we’re at war – and this time – no helmet...”
Why has illegal immigration suddenly become
the hot button issue? Bad poll numbers, Iraq War, NSA wiretapping, indictments current and pending, Abramoff scandal, etc., etc.??
Don’t get me wrong, I am delighted to see this issue being addressed, but it seems like another calculated attempt to turn a political corner, and grab at ANY issue W. may be able to get some legislation out of, regardless of whether it is good for the country. Is Bushie the first president to do this – of course not. Just the most obvious, if not the most desperate.
Senator Bill “I wanna be president” Frist is also anxious to stop looking like an incongruous milquetoast and get something done (tax cuts for the rich not withstanding).
Let’s face it, the Bush camp will do anything to shift the public's attention away from….just about everything the W. administration has touched. With the November midterm elections just around the corner, it was time to dust off the teleprompter and let “the decider” speak directly to the American people. (Is it me, or did Georgie sound like a fourth grade teacher explaining a “complex” issue to his students?)
Bushie talked about amnesty - I mean - the guest worker path to citizenship. Didn’t we already try this in the 80’s when the problem was still more or less manageable? Didn’t it result in a flood of illegal immigrants pouring into the U.S., figuring that eventually they too would be granted citizenship?
I didn’t hear much talk about enforcing existing legislation by prosecuting employers who hire illegals, but of course, this would pose way too big a burden for many of Georgie's friends who run their businesses on the backs of these folks.
I also didn’t hear very much about how we are going to secure the border. Not enough national guard troops to "temporarily" watch the border while not enough border patrol agents are being trained just doesn’t sound kosher to me. Oh and by the way, why we are not holding the Bush crowd accountable for consistently cutting the budget for an already understaffed border patrol? As I recall, the congress talked about passing legislation to secure the border BEFORE working on the rest of this contentious issue.
While I agree that the deportation of twelve million illegal aliens is illogical, why offer them citizenship? Have they not broken the law?? I guess in a country where fucking up earns you the Medal of Freedom, it just goes to follow.
Why not stop the “anchor baby” policy? If babies born to families in this country illegally were not granted automatic citizenship, wouldn’t there be less of an incentive to enter the country illegally?
I’d like to be clear that I am not in favor of refusing schooling, medical care, or necessary social services to undocumented immigrants. That is disgusting and downright un-American. However, why can’t the states on the border be granted federal funds to help ease their tax burden? Budget concerns?? No one seemed concerned with this year's pork projects, or trucks of ice criss crossing the country months after Hurricane Katrina, not to mention millions of dollars worth of uninhabited trailers sinking in the mud, etc., etc. It's not a question of cost, only of priorities.
I agree with Ron Reagan who states that this problem can only be controlled - it cannot be solved. I also agree that it is impossible to stop people from coming here to escape harsh conditions in their own countries. But maybe an ENFORCED policy with some real teeth would force useless assholes like Mexico's President Vicente Fox to begin improving conditions in his own country.
I have a bone to pick with the Democrats here as well:
First of all, forget about courting the Latin vote, and LISTEN to the MAJORITY of the American people who do NOT favor amnesty. While I understand the Latino vote is important (Latinos are the fastest growing minority in the country) – do not forsake the people trying to vote you in to power.
Second. Harry Reid – Shut Up!! Not only does the amnesty issue have NOTHING to do with discrimination, your track record regarding this issue makes you look like a hypocritical old fool.
Third. It’s time to get off your dead asses and stand for something!! Yes, great momentum has been gained by sitting back and watching the GOP self destruct, but in the long run, that means nothing. IF we gain some seats in November, and actually take back control of the house, what then? Without a plan – any gains will be short lived. We’re depending on you – don’t fuck this up!
The immigration problem needs a NATIONAL “solution” – NOT a POLITICAL one. This is where the Republican majority currently running this country needs to put up or shut up - - - contract with America my ass!