Thursday, August 31, 2006

All the President's Henchmen

The president has said many times that he does not question the patriotism of those who disagree with his policies, and that he doesn't want to politicize the Iraq War...

He doesn't have to. He sends DICK and Donald to do his dirty work for him. The unholy troika are out there - AGAIN - (third time's a charm?) speaking to veterans groups, i.e. friendly audiences, still trying to sell an increasingly disagreeable American public on the Iraq War of choice.

It's one thing to continue blowing the dead (now decaying) bear in a pathetic attempt to stem the rising tide of opposition to the war.

It is quite another to interpret dissent as "moral or intellectual confusion," and to accuse those who disagree with this administration as being part of "a new kind of fascism."

HOW DARE YOU challenge my patriotism you incompetent AMORAL demagogic SON OF A BITCH!

Your "plan" for this war was constructed by manipulating and "cherry picking" intelligence, ignoring the advice of generals, and sending an insufficient number of troops without proper equipment into an unnessary, unjustifiable war based on fear mongering and bullshit.

You want to compare WWII to this debacle, dipshit? O.K., here's a comparison for you - the Iraq War has lasted LONGER than WORLD WARII.

You have the blood of 2,636 brave servicemen and women on your hands, and remain impervious to doubt and criticism because you are a consciencelesss evil bastard with an unlimited capacity to believe your own bullshit. In my view you are an unstable and truly dangerous man who should be removed from office by any means necessary. If there is a hell, you are most certainly destined to spend eternity there.

You have the unmitigated gall to blame the press for souring the American people on this cluster fuck of a war - and the arrogance to believe that only the neocons know what is best for this country.

We've transferred 3,700 additional troops to Baghdad in order to crack down on the violence, and it is worse than ever. Not even hospitals can provide safe haven.

If we haven't been able to secure Baghdad after three years, it seems we never will, and if we can't win without doing so, what the hell are we still doing there? How many more soldiers and Iraqis need to be executed or blown to bits before we concede that the country has deteriorated in civil war, and that there is no end in site?

"Stay the course" is a god damned slogan, not a strategy. The extremists in Iraq will fight on just like the Vietcong fought - will our departure be a mirror image of that tragic embarrassment?

The desperation of this failed administration is palpable. Georgie, you can wrap shit up in a pretty bow - but you can not shine it, as your entire presidency clearly demonstrates.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Joe Scarborough, former Florida Congressman, self described "Regular Joe," and host of the evening cable show Scarborough Country, takes the gloves off and tells it like it so obviously is in his August 16th blog entry. Scarborough is an intelligent, common sense Republican who doesn't mindlessly buy into the party line.


This video clip is priceless! Unfortunately, the classic "OBGYN's not being able to practice their love," isn't included, but it is still not to be missed. (I can't help but think how much funnier it would be if this wasn't the president of my country.)

That's All Folks!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

dumb as a R-O-C-K in the the USA

Jeez Louise!

I take a little break and the middle east is at a "tipping point."

Apparently Isreal took a page out of the Donald Rumsfeld playbook, thinking that it could quickly and cleanly destroy Hezbollah with their better trained and equipped army, and bid a hasty retreat. (I wonder if the people of southern Lebanon were going to greet the invading force as liberators)...


the following link will underscore why I am so proud to be an American these days.

  • LINK