The Reform
"School" Party...
Former Rep.Randy "Duke" Cunningham (CA) resigned in November '05 after pleading guilty to accepting $2.4 million in bribes.

Former majority leader (and "good friend" of Jack Abramoff) Tom DeLay (TX) was indicted on state campaign finance violations and resigned in June '06.

Rep. Bob Ney (OH) agreed to plead guilty to charges of corruption (another alumnus of the Abramoff scandal) and chose not to seek re-election.

...and for those of you who may have just emerged from a cave...Former Rep. Mark Foley (FL) resigned this past Friday when a story broke uncovering his "improper" e-mails to an under age congressional page (and that's just the tip of the iceberg).
As unbelievable as this Foley thing is, the even bigger story is that the REPUBLICAN congressional leadership "allegedly" KNEW about Foley's "inklings" BEFORE this story broke, and DID NOTHING about it!
Rep. Thomas Reynolds (R-NY) chairman of the Republican Congressional Campaign Committee charged with maintaining his party's majority, said Saturday that he told House Speaker Dennis Hastert months ago about the existence of e-mails from Foley to a congressional page, which the boy said "freaked him out."
Hastert said he doesn't remember the conversation but "has no reason to dispute Congressman Reynolds' recollection that he reported to him on the problem and its resolution." - - - - - - -Can you say "FULL OF SHIT!"
As much as Donny Rums needs to go (and he needs to go immediately if not sooner) Hastert should not go to sleep tonight before finishing his letter of resignation, and should make it the first order of business tomorrow morning. A House investigation should begin immediately afterward.
Anyone having anything to do with a cover up of this reprehensible situation, Republican or Democrat, should be brought up on criminal charges along with Foley. I can barely wait to see what the FBI uncovers.
Is it me, or is our government becoming absolutely surreal?