by L.F. Gerace
You wrap yourself up in the flag
like this wood box that I lay in
Did god whisper it to you one day
or did he tell you while you were prayin’?
My blood flowed into the sand
of a fractured, hostile land
Did I die for their freedom or an empty threat
while you carelessly tossed around epithets?
Fighting for your honor
or your personal crusade?
Can you sleep peacefully now
in this bed that you’ve made?
Will you even remember me?
I fought and died to make them free
I hope that comforts my family
You said 2,000 dead was not a milestone
Will you be writing the letter home?
Or will you be too busy
speaking empty slogans into a microphone?
Is your only point of view
To continue the path we’re riding?
Does no one else see the abyss
into which we are sliding?
It’s my time that you’re biding
Will you tell her face to face
or over the phone?
You’ll blow taps, thank her,
hand her a flag
and go home
Remember me
As a defender of liberty
Remember me
To my children
So they can somehow
Remember me