…that depends on what the Definition of "Democracy" is...
When did dissent become unpatriotic in America?
It would be naïve to suggest that the Bush administration created this political mindset; however, President "I am a uniter not a divider’s" position that that anyone who disagrees with him is the enemy has certainly cultivated a political environment which allows this attitude to flourish. Apparently we traitorous liberals are not the only ones who think so. Pat Buchanan, a consummate republican and critic of the neocon political philosophy, clearly and eloquently states the case here - LINK
This "if you're not with us you're against us" style of governing is an extension of W’s presidential campaigns. It comes straight from the Karl Rove playbook: turn your detractors into the enemy, and attack in any and every way you can, regardless of the consequences.
Bush and his ruthless neocon puppet master DICK Cheney created a climate of fear in this country which they’ve used on the American people like a weapon. (I thought only evil dictators used fear to control their people).
Democracy...hmm……..doesn't that include freedom of speech – even for those who disagree with their Government’s policies? Does fostering democracy in Iraq mean squelching it in our own country? Do we have to give up our rights at home in order for the Iraqis to build their Democracy?
Well folks, fear not. It may be “morning in America AGAIN.” The "official" murmuring has become louder and clearer thanks to the conviction of leaders like Sen. Russ Feingold, and as you can read here, Vietnam War veteran Rep. John Murtha, who once again stands up and sticks his neck out: LINK
I can hear the panicked chatter at the next white house staff meeting...
Uh Oh, people are listening to our detractors – our poll numbers are in free fall- the American people think we lied to them about the war -
Heat up the tar, start plucking the chickens, and let's get to work boys!!!